The 10 Types Of Advanced Civilizations

The Future Logs Of A 33rd Century Galaxy Fleet Admiral

  • Type 0 – Earth’s Current Civilization.  Mastery of travel throughout our planet.

  • Type I – Harness the power of their Planet.  Mastery of travel throughout their Solar System.

  • Type II – Harness the power of their Star.  Mastery Of travel throughout their Galaxy.

  • 33rd Century lies very close to achieving a Type III Civilization as they travel about the Virgo Supercluster and are about to complete The Galactic Energy Project that will beam whole galaxies worth of energy anywhere its needed in the Supercluster. It will be used to power civilizations and ships on the move as well!
  • Type III – Harness the Power of their Galaxy.  Mastery of travel throughout their Galactic Supercluster.

  • Type IV – Harness the power of their Galactic Supercluster.  Mastery of travel throughout their Galactic Filament.

  • Type V – Harness the power of their Galactic Filament.  Mastery of travel throughout the Universe.

  • Type VI – Harness the power of their Universe.  Extra-Dimensional travel including time travel.  This is the collective ascension to equivalent Angelhood.

  • Type VII – Harness the power of their Multiverse.  Extra-Dimensional travel including travel to parallel Universes.  This is the collective ascension equivalent to Archangelhood.

  • Type VIII – Harness the power of their Omniverse. Mastery of travel through all 10 dimensions including all parallel Multiverses within.  This is the collective ascension of Godhood as a civilization.  They may become God of the Omniverse if the Omniverse itself isn’t an individual or collective who ascended to Godhood.  If it is then the civilization meets God and can either join him or go off to create their own Omniverse.

  • Type IX – Harness the power of their Macroverse (Only possible for the original eternal God).  Mastery of travel throughout the entire Macroverse and all the parallel Omniverses within.

  • Type X – Harness the power of the entire mind of the original eternal infinite God. In order to do so a society must become one with said God. Discovery of the one original eternal God and exploration of his infinite mind.

Based loosely on the Kardashev Scale used in the 21st century.

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