How Are People Elected To Public Office In The Future?

The Future Logs Of A 33rd Century Galaxy Fleet Admiral

The Future Of Elections In The 33rd Century

The great wars for global independence of the 21st century were about the realization that most elected officials never really represented them. They were doing the work of the globalist plutocratic elites and their multinational corporations and banks. Most of these politicians were merely Useful Idiots. They had no idea they were serving the interests of the top .0001% wealthy royal elites. Instead, it was merely about their own wealth and power. One of the methods these corrupt cronies used to stay in power was electronic voter fraud.  Any type of electronic digital voting can never be safe because there will always be a hacking wizard to corrupt it.

Simple Paper Ballots Forever!

Despite the amazing technological advances we have over 1000 years later in the 33rd century we vote using one of the oldest methods known to humankind. Simple paper ballots placed in a secure tamper-proof box. The ballots are then counted by hand at the local level.  It sounds ridiculously archaic, but we learned the hard way that it’s a necessity inconvenience to maintain freedom. It’s the only way to elect the real representatives of the citizens who reside within the United Galaxies Of Virgo.  To count trillions of ballots is a daunting task when you’re talking about electing officials at the national level, which in our case consists of countless planets, star systems, and galaxies within the greater Virgo Supercluster. Luckily election times are turned into parties of a sort where a great deal of citizens volunteer to join in the monumental count.  There are also many forms of verification along the way up to the national tally.

No Political Parties

Within our United Galaxies we have no political parties. No control over a larger group of people by a smaller group with pressure to vote a certain way.  Only independent citizens are elected!  Also, without a monetary system it’s pretty difficult to bribe someone, or commit insider trading to build one’s wealth. This keeps politicians loyal to the citizens who elected them.  There’s simply nothing to gain, and everything to lose by committing treasonous acts against the various Constitutions, and citizens we’ve seen in the centuries previous to the 22nd.  Any citizen can enter their name into a volunteer pool from which random candidates for political office are chosen.  From there debates, media interviews, and public speeches weed out the favorites though polling provided by the independent media which can include common citizens as well.

Short Terms Free Of Career Politicians

All public servants at all levels of government serve extremely short terms which usually average 1 year in length. Naturally, this creates an exponential number of paper ballots!  Non-elected administrative positions in government are rotated with fresh people on a regular basis to prevent any type of dictatorial shadow government from forming.  We have no career politicians.  Although you can serve once on each level of government.  Theoretically a person can start out as Mayor of a community and work their way up to President Of The United Galaxies Of Virgo.  However, that would hardly cover a lifetime career. Citizens in our time are volunteering for public service for a short time, and then they return to their real jobs. Although without a need for money, replication technology, free energy, and shared resources nobody really has to work if they don’t want to!

Dark Times Will Give Way To A Bright Future!

I feel bad you have yet to get through the revolutionary turmoil, and massive wars you will face in the 21st century.  Just know that you will make it to the end of the ultimate rainbow where peace,  and prosperity reside.  Your sacrifices will result in an unprecedented utopian future where Earth is a paradise, and humanity populates the galaxies.  Don’t let your corrupted politicians sell you down the road to the standard dystopian future featured widely in the motion pictures of your time!  Perhaps those of us from the future who interact with the past can influence enough people to make the transition a peaceful revolution!

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